Speak - Don’t Think (An Obituary)


There is only one choice you have to make; When you go, will you go with pride or in shame?

What worries will haunt you when you lie staring at the ceiling in your final hour? Did you bravely seek out to do some of - all of - the things you once said you would, or did you fall behind scared of not succeeding? Did you care enough? Did you try enough? Did you love enough? 

It's your actions not your visions that are your creator and when the day comes, the only one judging is you. And there's just one out of two ways. One choice. Either you "do" or you “don't". It’s action or vision. Method or theory. Speak or think. 

A loud and undoubtable love affair is born by action. To silently take her for granted is forever a vision. Health, food and spirit are sprung through action. Thinking the pills will help is a vision. 

It's not the number of books you've read, it's what you learned reading only one. It’s not about having great success, it’s about why you consider the opposite to be a failure? 

Be proud if you have piles of mistakes in your trail, it only means you never stopped trying. 

Be proud if your heart was broken, it only means you never lost faith in love. And be proud if you can't remember all the details, a lifetime is supposed to be experienced not remembered.

Be proud if you respected yourself. Be proud if the paths you took were walked with kindnesses and empathy, if you were kind to people as well as animals, and if your body at some point became your friend. 

And be proud if you finally managed to make peace with your demons. You will not need them on the other side.


SMITH JONES KB (est. 2004) helps clients tell their stories and market their brands by producing original work in four categories: photography, video, podcast, and writing.
