Beautiful Creatures


This naked ape. This conquering hominid. This winner of the evolutionary race and mighty ruler of God’s planet. What beautiful creatures we are.

We judge in seconds and hold a grudge forever, and we never seem to learn from the many walls we’ve built. We ignore neighborhoods we do not dare to enter, and we yearn for gardens to which we are not allowed. We lock our churches, mosques, and synagogues while citing verses about love and forgiveness. And we pay tribute to the rich and despise the ones who need us the most.

We use passwords to secure our entertainment, give fingerprints for a phone call and accept face recognition to keep our life in a vault.

We own land.

We wear safe backpacks, lock our doors, track our cars, close our curtains, and build high fences. We hold tight to our purses and put chains on our wallets, and we're not trusted to enter a plane, a concert, or a museum. Every store has an alarm system, and every gas station has a camera while we’re under the surveillance of either the government or our next-door neighbor. We’re tracked in the subway and on the sidewalks, and we use plastic money as if we’re no longer allowed to handle the cash we’ve earned.

We sleep too little, eat too much, work too long, and scarcely play. And even though most of us are poor and few have it all, we’re proud to be fat while one-tenth of us starves. We use credits we’re doomed never to return. We fight over made-up sports, and we murder for love. We lock our bikes and argue over parking spaces. And we love all things superficial while we dread the substantial.

We feel obligated to speak freely on all matters while hushing all those who might disagree. And we go on vacations, while some of us never go home.

We lock our bikes and argue over parking spaces. And we love all things superficial while we dread the substantial.
— M.

We know about the filth and poison on our trail, and we know it's digging holes in a ship that's already sinking. Still, keeping ourselves amused with the next big thing in this never-ending 'Panem et Circenses'.

And we put up signs to keep ourselves off the grass, we don’t trust our dogs, and we talk a lot - without saying a thing.

But, what beautiful creatures we are.


SMITH JONES KB (est. 2004) helps clients tell their stories and market their brands by producing original work in four categories: photography, video, podcast, and writing.

Under The Cross


The Graveyard Train