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I consider “fireworks” to be the cream of the crop, the icing on the cake, of our already overfilled pie of human planetary egoism. Simply because when the smoke of all its sparkling glory has settled, it tells us one thing and one thing only;

- We are selfish pricks.

We are not satisfied with being the dominant species, pillaging and exploiting the planet to a point that literally makes us both kill and torture anyone of all our fellow habitants - humans included - to get the kicks we think we need.

- Nope, not good enough!

A couple of times per year we also get the unexplainable urge to scare the living shit out of every creature around us by unleashing the gates of hell on our night skies.

May God have mercy on our souls!


SMITH JONES KB (est. 2004) helps clients tell their stories and market their brands by producing original work in four categories: photography, video, podcast, and writing.